Don't be afraid, just sit and scribble, then get emotional!
Close your s if need be and let your mind out of the cage. Who's judging but you?
The Satire of the System
Chag Shalom
Air time as in a public service announcement and my hair in the wind.
Satire =
"The use of humor, irony, exaggeration, or ridicule to expose and criticize people's stupidity or vices, particularly in the context of contemporary religious, politics and other topical issues."
A writer is like an actor.
One scribbles the script conveying emotion while one acts upon it to give the viewer the visual representation.
I'm sporting my willow peaks and character marks.
After all, I am a sport and a character.
The system of the world is greatly destroying the human spirit.
Yet the human element drives the system, fuels that system and allows it to flourish.
The rat, religious and political race is just too CORRUPT.
The dog (Family member)
eat dog (Family member) environment is simply rabid without any vaccination shots.
Break free of those chains, and scratch, sniff, bark and crawl to a new tune, no longer gnawing friction upon our Creator, Savior and yes upon those servant angel harvesters.
The captain is barking to a new song and beating his heart to the beat of the original drummer.
Perhaps u never heard the expression...
"It's called a rat race and a dog eat dog world."
I call dogs by their names or family members and friends because that is what they are.
A rat race = a feeding frenzy, IE money.
A family member eat family member world= every person out for themselves, IE comfort!
But our family members also look out for us.
I tried sending this to 22 people on
I-message, but wasn't allowed to, just another BONE to pick.
Came up with a Chag of a New idea.
Chag = have a joyous festival.
Since I'm too Shagged Out to groom my hair excessively, I'm trying something new.
Shagged out = Exhausted and too tired and too shagged out to do any time consuming hair maintaining.
Shag = shaggy as in need to shed hair like a family member.
D O G (family member) spelled backwards is GOD so don't be in reverse to their will and regarding the Harvest Plan!
So, shed your SINS and continue to march forward.
I'm going to grow my hair a bit more BUT mess it up and slightly part it to the side THUS correcting the errors of my bad hair, snip, cut and clip wondering off from barber attempts thus hiding the flaws and I like this new look
but right now I had no choice either.
Given time, the Chag look will work.
And it's easier to maintain and less hair products.
I'm sticking to one lady in Antioch from now on and she just evened it out as much as one could I believe and got it combed back, so I suppose the shag look is out.
But, I still got my beard, mustache and witty stanza gotchas to maintain.
Take this for instance...
People Do Lunch-Cats Do Furniture!
Let's talk about cats. For what reason and why would you ask? First my friend, cats are loving friendly creatures, whose only desire is to shed, pee and drop a few fleas wherever need be.
Well, you haven't met night, night that's where-they are most likely to strike.
With clippers, slippers and their little white slippers you better wake up and take a look at your family member (not dog) skipper,
whose just been entered in the state fair and I'll bet he will wake up with no hair.
Well, my only conclusion is, you spoil that thing with kosher liver, tuna and tons of sardines!!!!!!!!!
On and off the Festivals but of course!
Captain Chag/Shag as in
Captain 7 Thunder White Beard Fire Storm: k-vine sowing the seeds of love, as in K for Klein and D for Dodge as in a Kool Ram, 2 Stubborn BULL Witnesses and my Master's 7 Thunder lamb
Shalom Chag
The Captain's Prayer
Dear Yahweh and Yahshua-the Lamb of God:
I ask your forgiveness for our disobedience to YOUR and our Birth, Life and Death Festivals and everything else as we
have violated our lives with too much LEAVEN,
we have violated the LAW of the OLD and the NEW and we have NOT DWELLED in the TABERNACLE from which we should have always remained in the OLD and the NEW of YOU and YOU.
Dear Heavenly Father, I ask in my immediate Master's name, to NOT ONLY give us the continued strength to endure Life and the Festivals; whether in Joy or Suffering, but to allow our Light to continue to shine ever so
as we our being refined like silver and further purified into golden matter.
I believe in your Unleavened Perfect Body which is your Flesh. I believe in your Perfect Blood by way of the Death on the Cross for our SINS that you paid the price.
Into the Festivals we are joined in marriage.
I am your slave BUT I am also your eternal friend
The Captain's Shepherd's Wrath Prayer:
A Far Superior Boondock Blast without The Bullets, Vatican, Hollywood or BULL!
Shots fired-boom boom!
"And shepherds we shall be as Two Lampstands and Two Olive Trees for thee my LORD, my LORD-for thee.
So we shall flow a river forth on to thee, making their self righteous wicked souls drop to the knees of Eternity.
And teeming with souls as far as eyes can ever see, shall it always be dear LORD, my LORD-let it be!
The powers that were appointed to the 2 Lamp Stands and 2 Olive Trees are indeed the appointed and indeed between the THEM and the ME,
so I will continue to carry out thy commands as simply given orders.
I shall try to force the voice of Thunder and strap on glory and splendor.
I shall try to unleash the fury of my righteous wrath and humble the proud and bring them lower.
Crushing the wicked with thy rod and staff; allowing the dust to cover earthly matters, shrouding their silhouettes, faces now etched in
the gravity from the crying out of sackcloth, grave and matter.
May we continue to breathe the need for thee, for thee my LORD, my LORD-for thee.
Surely fire will continue to feed the heat for we, for thee my LORD, my LORD for we!
Fire has declared war so this debt must be set free.
I shall try to strike their pride down and send it back to where it needs to be.
Let it be dear LORD, my LORD-let it be!
Don't be like the Lawless One who Tried to Change the Time and the Law.
Don't be like the Lawless One who Tried to Change the Time and the Law.
The Only Commandment which has to do with the Time is the Sabbath.
The Law DOES NOT STATE to worship in a building.
The Three Annual Festivals: Three times a year you are to celebrate a festival to me. All males of Israel must appear before the LORD and nobody should appear empty handed!
But hopefully, all males, females, family members and animals would and will appear before the LORD and worship thy living breathing GOD.
I'm appearing at our fishing boat home for the First.
These are the birth, life and death Festivals as we must all make this journey of life!
Now, Worship in the Truth and in the Spirit!
But fellowship is GOOD but don't break the LAW while having it nor be led astray by the blind.
Throw down Temple Stones!
Have a sacred assembly if u wish-but there is no physical temple in Heaven.
At 49 years of a 7 year cycle, from a several thousand ancient year old soul and many Sabbaths and New Moons of ago-take my wise advice when I say, fear the Lord and Keep his Commandments!
Don't say TGIF unless you have Remembered to Keep the Sabbath Day Holy and you are
speaking to them directly or
praising them in front of others directly and which must always be in the righteous and Holy use of the dialogue and meaning.
This ensures ya'll will not take the Lord's many names in Vain.
Don't trample over the Holy City anymore.
Don't be on the outer court; strive for entering the inner court.
"Benjamin shreds as a ravenous wolf and in the morning he shall devour his prey, and at night he shall divide the spoils."
Yeah, I was Benjamin and yeah I'm Shredding and Snatching Souls from Satan big time!
Do any of ya'll have a problem with our spoils?
If so, I truly don't give a $#!T as I want nobody to enter the Lake of Fire and neither should any of you!
Oy vey!
And, don't listen to the modern day Pharisees who saturate the religious community with their COWARDLY , judgmental, self righteous, unloving and hypocritical, faithless LIES.
It takes a righteous and Holy wolf to go against not one but many wolves let alone Satan and his demon
If you want to understand what makes my fire ticker tick!
I'm a severely wounded animal and as such...
I'm a Majestic Live Wired Savage!
Call it good old fashioned
Holy styled Kosher Chutzpah
I have Old testament Fire and New Testament Love and to the Extreme!
The suffering servant and warrior sheep of the most High who prefers the new name
Captain Klein 7 Thunder White Beard Fire Storm with lil light monkey (11)
Shalom Shabbat
The Journey of the Just to YHVH and the Lamb:
A Birth, Life and Death Experience:
Stepping in-stepping out!
The perfect choice when starting young, is to understand this world is not real so begin early to call out by their NAME.
It is far superior to get a head start and jump ahead of the grading curve, as yee shall reap what yee have been sowing.
From the BIRTH of the cradle through the journey of LIFE, entering into the cane-from the grave, passing DEATH to beyond, from our Master upon Yahweh,
until the reunion
of our loved ones is complete-we our joined and bonded together by our final destination known as "The Shalom."
All aboard or walk the earthly plank or scrub the four corner deck!
This is the captain speaking.
When the winds of change, now churning trials of tribuating time-come crashing upon our door steps, even thy four seasons and seas of the shore begin calling out by THY NAME.
Where gold once was the driven golden chased dream of life's choice, even cities, states and worlds now run even more amok.
Abundant and full of lavishly rabid looking pyramids populate our horizen.
Eyes now wide open, soon discovering were hidden deep in those locked closets, were many bankrupt secrets full of broken values, detestable idols and detestable images.
Gold is no longer longed nor was it ever to be loved, and we discovered it to be of broken values and the real treasures was never made of any earthly coins or treasures but rather only that of our and of our loved ones souls.
Once was, is no more, now becoming once again, is an ancient foe now again our oppressors from the past, so our hearts and minds began to sing from a new found vibe, found only within that
of the righteous and the holy.
We hold tight to what we know and march along as we fight these battles from an ANCIENT WAR aggressively worsening yet has already been won.
Yet, as time marched forward and through his coat of grace, his magnificent powerful yet tender thunder love surrounds us, pampering our tears with tenderness; till the traces of our tears has no more tracks to trace and death simply is no more.
Fear is no longer feared as we called your NAME.
glory! glory!! glory!!!
by J-vibe and K-vine, sowing the seeds of love.
Dear Yahweh and Yahshua-the Lamb of God, I ask your forgiveness for our disobedience to YOUR and our Birth, Life and Death Festivals and everything else as we have violated our lives with too much LEAVEN,
we have violated the LAW of the OLD and the NEW and we have NOT DWELLED in the TABERNACLE from which we should have always remained in the OLD and the NEW of YOU and YOU.
Dear Heavenly Father, I ask in my immediate Master's name, to NOT ONLY give us the continued strength to endure Life and the Festivals; whether in Joy or Suffering, but to allow our Light to continue to shine ever so bright as we our being refined like silver and further purified into golden matter.
I believe in your Unleavened Perfect Body which is your Flesh.
I believe in your Perfect Blood by way of your Death on the Cross for our SINS that you paid the price.
Into the Festivals we are joined in marriage.
I am your slave BUT I am also your eternal friend.
Captain 7 Thunder White Beard Fire Storm: k-vine sowing the seeds of love, as in K for Klein and D for Dodge as in a Kool Ram, 2 Stubborn BULL Witnesses and my Master's 7 Thunder lamb
Rapid Introduction to the Festivals:
The First Three Festivals are about the King and how his life was and is in opposion to ours, as in Death, Life and Rebirth or Passover, Unleavened Bread and Feast of Firstfruits.
The Three Before The LORD Festivals are about our lives, as in Birth, Life and Death or Unleavened Bread, Weeks and Tabernacle.
The Festivals are about our Repentance, Atonement and the Light of the World who came into the world to fullfill the First three Festivals.
The Festivals are about our harvests and what we offer to the LORD of and from those harvests.
The Festivals are about our souls and where we go when the angels harvest us up!
The Festivals Names:
The First Three Spring Festivals:
HaMatzot/Unleavened Bread
Yom Habikkurim/Feast of Firstfruits
Rosh Hashanah/Day of Trumpets
Yom Kippur/Day of Atonement (not really a festival.)
Hanukkah/The Festival of Lights
Chag HaMatzot as in in Festival of Unleavened Bread: Escape from bondage = Birth
Chag Shavuot as in Festival of the Weeks: The Giving of the Law at Mr. Sinai = Life
Chag Sukkot as in Festival of Tabernacle: Life in the Wilderness from disobedience = Death!
Have a Chag Pesach, Chag HaMatzot, Chag Yom habikkurim and Chag Shavuot
Not really a Chag as not truly joyous but of repentance as in Rosh Hashanah and No Chag as not joyous but Atonement as in deep sorrow and morning as in we have none without Yahshua/Christ/the Lamb of Yahweh,
who our Creator in the Father's Flesh, came by way of the Living Breathing God Son to DIE for our SINS giving us Atonement.
Make the most of this day by denying yourself and doing no work on the Day of Yom Kippur.
and Chag Sukkot and Chag Hanukkah
The Passover Festival (1 day), Festival of HaMatzot (Unleavened bread) (7 days), the Festival of First Fruits (1 day), Festival of Shavuot (Weeks)(2 days),
the Festival of Trumpets (1 day), the Day of Atonement (1 day) and Festival of Sukkot(Tabernacles!) (8 days) + from the New Testament
the Festival of Lights or Hanukkah (8 days. )
Or, as I call it, the The Light of the World which MIGHT be when my Master was born at the start of this Festival as HE is the Light of the World.
= 29 days total = 2 + 9 = 11 Commandments and two of those 11 Commandments have God's name directly
in the Law portion of those (not including the decrees from that very Law) decrees.
But if you don't include the Feast of Firstfruits since it overlaps on the Festival of Unleavened Bread you get 28 days and there are two Gods as God the Father and God the Son of one Like mind, meaning I worship One God but in two images
and I celebrate eight Festivals.
Visit the Link down below. I'm working on it and I need a bit more time.
Festivals Complete
Fire on the Horizon-Riddle Me This?
The night was filled by a silent awe. The wind traveled north and my breathe began to crawl.
My words lost focus as my thoughts came to a stall, keeping company with stagnant and his infamous wall.
Love can always keep you warm, but when
I'm burning my torch is spiked with adrenaline, caffeine and solid gold. What was once there-can once leave, and once gone may once return. What is it that man needs most?
What drives him to the greatest fall or the greatest of all human inspirations?
There are times when voices fade to gray and 256 can lose some digits along the way.
This motive is the silent survivor of all hope and all gain.
The motive for God, for love, for talent, for work or simply the pursuit of pleasure and play; make no mistake about it, this motive is the strongest of all.
To live without it, is to be a prisoner, and that sun that shone so bright, now flickers into the twice long baked night. As a poet can lose his voice, an artist forgets to take care of his brushes;
by the first stroke the corroded paint leaves no room for anything but dust and ashes. If it collides, it collides with great magnitude, but if it's directed with proper positioning, this noun transforms itself into a vector.
Many will kill for it, few truly have it, many are jealous of it, and those with it, have a mental cross keeping up with it.
I come from a family of seven with two twins keeping us in balance. I'm the alpha in power and the omega in ambition.
What Am I?
Progressive Distraction-Riddle Me This?
Into the night-it travels far even though it starts near. This resounding echo forms my yelp and shapes my tear.
To not be reticent in voice is to garner this condition as the unwavering lack of compassion gives rise to a nuisance of complaining. Darkness now prevails.
Only shadows from aging beams of lights withstand those noises that once grew-clamorous now quickened to be murmured silent dull night.
I find myself being motionless as the world progresses forward; time is just marching to his own painful drummer.
As the hours get longer, yes longer, still longer, my fight has
given up and I'll depart saying "Goodnight."
I'm the alpha in managing and the omega in
What Am I?
Answer: A Migraine
The king will now rest six feet beneath the concrete.
Standing Ground
This single path resembles two shapes.
To follow ones' footsteps, one must be alive with
confidence and alive with grace.
Being of the soundest mind knowing that time has but one true rule. Change is inevitable as time is simply just a ladder to grow.
As you seek, this venture will eventually erupt. Fight hard to keep the faith, adjust and never retreat. Now, can ya walk the walk and talk the talk?
Oh yeah, I flow as I dribble-give me my monkey's ball and I'll bounce, dip and swing right passed ya'll!
Oh yeah, it just so happens-when I spit game, it's like i'm straight non cussing in french while wiping my behind with fresh silk napkins!
Oh yeah, me so fresh-it's like I'm dancing wit Les Twins by beat killing myself!
Strapped with Pulitzer Prize Burners, a Nobel Prize 66 Gloom Glocc and a 9mm Jefferson Ghat with a Righteous Thunder Barrel Eye Scoping Twist to Match!
Johnny's Law and Johnny Delivers as
Job n' John as
the man Child of Revelation as the beloved Prophet as
The Majestic Live Wired Double Buck Thunder Bolt Savage of Revelation
Rat ah tat tat!
Rat ah tat tat!