Hangman's Noose

import random
from hm_noose_art import noose_art_stages, berkeley_binary_noose, noose_art_logo
from hm_noose_words import binary_words


def playAgain():
response = input("Would you like to play again? Press 'y' or 'Y' for yes and 'n' or 'N' for now!")
if response == 'Y' or response == 'y':
print("Maybe another time. Thanks for playing Hangman's noose!")

def hangman_Noose():
game_over = False
noose_lives = len(noose_art_stages) - 1
binary_word_choice = random.choice(binary_words)
binary_word_size = len(binary_word_choice)

noose_display = []
for _ in range(binary_word_size):
noose_display += "_"
while not game_over:
binary_guess = input("Guess a binary letter: ").lower()

if binary_guess in noose_display:
print(f"You've already guessed the letter {binary_guess}!")

for noose_position in range(binary_word_size):
binary_letter = binary_word_choice[noose_position]
if binary_letter == binary_guess:
noose_display[noose_position] = binary_letter
print(f"{' '.join(noose_display)}")
if binary_guess not in binary_word_choice:
print(f"You guessed {binary_guess}, that's not in the word. You lose a life\nby gaining a noose!")
noose_lives -= 1
if noose_lives == 0:
game_over = True
print("You got noosed. No more live, game over!")
response = input("Would you like to play again? Press 'y' or 'Y' for yes and 'n' or 'N' for now!")
if response == 'Y' or response == 'y':
print("Maybe another time. Thanks for playing Hangman's noose!")

if not "_" in noose_display:
game_over = True
print("You managed not to get noosed!\nCongratulations, you are still alive!")

if game_over:


#Important Note: You will need the following python ".py" files to run this program.

Hangman Hangman Noose Art Hangman Binary Noose Words